Friday, September 18, 2009

Contribution by ABC India Ltd.: P.D. Agarwal Blood Drive 2009

Information shared by Mr. B. B. Nayak on 18.9.09:

We are pleased to inform you that there are 165 Staff Members donated Blood today on occassion of 2nd P D Agarwal Blood Donation Drive. Our Blood donation Camp at Tinsukia will held on 20th Set'09.

Office Nos accepted Remarks
CMD 22 (Own arrangement)
VRMD 18 (Own arrangement)
CCU 9 (donated at TCI)
BNCP 7 (donated at Bhoruka Steel, Bangalore)
BNC 6 (donated at TCI)
MYE 1 (donated at Bhoruka Power)
MAA 1 (donated at TCI )
DLHP 3 (donated at TCI Corporate Office)
DLRG 4 (donated at TCI Corporate Office)
BBYP 3 (donated at TCI)
BOM 4 (donated at TCI)
PON 2 (donated at TCI)
GHT 45 (Arrangement by BPWT & ABC)
DELN 40 (Own arrangement)
Total : 165

Also it may be please noted that there are so many rejection this time ( CMD : 6, VRMD :7, CCU : 4, DLRG : 5, PON : 2 and also in other places)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blood Donation is the Biggest Donation in this world. Our Blood can give life to someone, someday. Register yourself as a blood donor at