Information provided by Mr. Deepak Jain, 18.9.09:
I am please d to inform you that 478 donor have successfully donated blood at all India level in the camps organized by TCI.
Besides our employees, there was a large participation from ABC India Ltd. at Delhi, Pune and all other locations.
Details is as under:-
Locations Blood Donation
Corporate Office 55
Rewari 47
Mumbai RO 112
Mumbai-Panvel 70
Pune 45
Bangalore RO 25
Nelmangla 26
Biddadi 33
Kolkata 20
Total 478
This does not includes no of employees who have donated blood at camps organized by other group companies.
Approx. 700 volunteers came forward to donate blood, however, due to various reason including medication, surgery, low hemoglobin etc., they were disqualified from donating from blood donation.
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