Saturday, August 16, 2008


Why the initiative?
Sri P. D. Agarwal, founder of TCI-ABC- Bhoruka-Gati group has catalyzed changes in various sectors that have a positive impact on the country as well as the society. One of his unseen sides is combating blood crisis in Eastern India by establishing first non-governmental blood bank and ensured blood transfusion of number of children suffering from Thallasaemia and Hemophilia.
The objectives of Sri P. D. Agarwal initiatives are
- To remember his initiative and vision to combat blood crisis.
- To disseminate his vision regarding blood donation to people and organisations closely related to him.
- To observe his death anniversary by the initiative that will have positive impact on blood safety all over the country.

Who can participate in the initiative?
Any organizations or individual who have respect for founder of Bhoruka Blood Bank may participate in the initiative.

Is it focused on a particular day or will be continued for defined time period?
It is focused on a particular day that is 17th September every year. Awareness programme, blood donation camp and other activities must be organized on that day. However, display of IEC materials in the office premises should start at least three weeks before.

What is the role of participating organization?
Participating organization may participate in the three following ways:
Ensuring awareness about the initiative, thus promoting awareness of voluntary blood donation.
Organizing blood donation camps.
Donating medical equipment to promote blood safety.

How they can participate?
Ensuring awareness about the initiative:
- Display IEC materials of the initiatives in the offices.
- SMS/email to every employee on the initiatives as well as importance of blood donation.
- Message on vehicles, trucks.
- Information on the initiative at the organizational website.

Organizing blood donation camps:
Blood donation camp may be organized by following three ways:
- By organizing blood donation camp in office, warehouse etc.
- By supporting local organisations (youth club, NGOs) to organize blood donation camp.
- In case of minimum no of employee, they can go to nearest blood bank to donate blood.
Donating medical equipment:
Participating organization may donate equipment to various blood banks run by either Red Cross or voluntary/charitable organisations that will facilitate promotion of blood safety and rational use of blood. Name of the donor organization and the initiative should be written on the donated equipment.

Role of participating organization: should it be limited to organize blood donation camp among its employee?
As mentioned above, it’s not limited to organize blood donation camp.

What are about the IEC materials (poster, brochure, banner) about the initiative?
Three IEC materials has been developed, that are as follows:1. Banner may be displayed at their main offices, warehouses etc.2. Minimum two posters may be displayed in each office, warehouses and other set up.3. Ideally, one brochure should be given to each employee of the participating organisation.
Bhoruka Blood Bank will share the design of IEC materials with all participating organisations, who in turn may print IEC materials as per the need. For main offices of the participating organisations at Kolkata, Bhoruka Blood Bank will supply IEC materials.
Partners may change/add something in the IEC materials as per their need, but should not changed overall configuration. They may add logos of other organisations/subsidiaries, agreed to participated in the drive, but should not remove any logos that are already in the IEC materials.
Bhoruka Blood Bank is also developing materials that may be displayed in the website of the organisations and certificates for the employees who will donate blood.

Where should we organize blood donation camp?
Focus should be given to states having poor voluntary blood donation status. ( * Poor performing states in voluntary blood donation: Bihar, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal).

Moreover, blood donation camp should be organized at Kolkata as it is the places where, Sri P. D. Agarwal has established Bhoruka Blood Bank and has ensured promotion of voluntary blood donation.

How will we organize voluntary blood donation camp?
In case of organizing camp in Kolkata, you may contact directly to Bhoruka Blood Bank that in turn will organize camp on behalf of the organization.
Apart from the above, Bhoruka Blood Bank will make arrangement of round the clock donation at its blood bank on 17th September 2008, where any employee of partner organisations may come and donate blood.

Outside Kolkata, Partner organization may contact nearest government blood bank or blood bank run by Indian Red Cross Society or reputed NGO/charitable organisations that run the blood bank as “not for profit” basis.
Under the initiative, no blood donation camp should organize with business oriented or profit making blood bank.

Just two people from one of our office want to donate blood on that day? What should we do? No blood bank wants to organize camp for two person?
Most of the blood bank has collected blood in their premises. In such cases, employees may go to nearest reputed blood bank and donate blood.

What should we do for the employee who will donate blood?
As it’s a voluntary donation, no benefit should be given to donor. But as a token appreciation partner organizations may do the following:
- A letter of appreciation from the organization.
- A certificate (prepared by Bhoruka Blood Bank) duly signed by head of partner organization or anyone nominated by him and representative of Bhoruka Blood Bank.
- May grants half day leave to the employees who donate blood on 17th September.

Can we do anything else to make the initiative more effective:
Yes, by the following way:
Senior officials of the partner Organisation should attend the initiatives and will speak on Sri P. D. Agarwal and his vision on voluntary blood donation.
Meet with State Blood Transfusion Council (SBTC) of the concerned state and share about Sri P. D. Agarwal initiative and activities of concerned state. SBTC is part of health department and based in respective States AIDS Control Society (SACS). Project Director (SACS) and/or and Deputy Director (Blood Safety) is the person with whom you may contact. Partners based in Delhi may communicate about the initiative with DG (NACO) and/or Blood Safety personnel of National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO).
Invite Minister, elected representative and/or other key personnel of the locality to inaugurate the camp.

How will Bhoruka Blood Bank will document activities under the initiative conducted by partner organization in various states of India:Bhoruka Blood will collect information on Sri P. D. Agarwal initiative through a structure format from every partner organization. After that it will compile the data and share reports with the partners and NACO.

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